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Joined on 1/19/21

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Well here's something I thought I'd never type, thank you all so much for 1k fans!!!

As cliché as it sounds, I legit never thought this would happen, and I'm absolutely honored and thrilled to have achieved such a feat. 

My journey on the grounds has been an absolute blast, I've learned so much ever since joining, and I couldn't be happier and more appreciative of how far I've come, the achievements I've made, no matter how small, and the people I've met, and call friends :)

There's a Jim Henson quote that is pretty much how I view art:

"When I was young, my ambition was to be one of the people who made a difference in this world. My hope is to leave the world a little better for having been there." 

-Jim Henson

All I ever want to to do with my work is to touch people's hearts, inspire, and make people laugh and smile, I hope I've managed to achieve that with all of you, and I hope to continue to do so as long as I live <3 

I would like to thank a bunch of peeps I've met on here, fir their continued support, help, and friendship, 

First and foremost, the big man @TomFulp for creating this site and for being an incredibley supportive dude to his community, thank you so much, Tom! :) 

The one and only No Good Gang, you guys are the absolute best, you constantly inspire me, and push me to be my best with my art. Seeing you guys work is absolutely inspiring, and how you make your ideas come to life is nothing short of magical, I'm incredibly grateful of all the times you guys have helped me out with my stuff, all the times you've bullied and harassed me, but most importantly, I'm grateful for you becoming my buds <3

@Nichols @JCaluger @McMetalface

I love you guys :)

Some incredibley talented throat people:

@VoicesByCorey @JoshDytonVO @Nicksenny @LuckyDee @DrEojPuerte @KenkoiPhish @Tofutehsurvivor @Trinatan @Pawpawgreg @Chitstain @Makestuff @MegaPieManPHD @Saminat @Mikeysota @DaltonDoesVoices @sailorsilverstar 

Thank you peeps for supporting me since the very beginning, when I was just a young foolish lad with big dreams, and thank you for voicing my silly scripts and bringing all of them to life :)

@Olskoo, you are my very first fan, and you'll always hold a special place in my heart for that :)

@WesMakowski thank you so much for inviting me to be apart of DialUpStudios and seeing potential in me and becoming my friend, love you homie <3 

Big shout out and thanks to everyone in the DialUpStudios discord server, all you peeps are talented as heck :) 

Thank you to THE dynamic duo that is @Cheetoh and @DrEojPuerte, working with you guys is always an honor and a blast, I'm incredibly grateful that you guys have become my buddies :) 

Thank you to @GrantTheHierophant, @DinoDork and the entirety of the Hellion team for giving me the opportunity to score the series :) 

Thank you to some very talented music pals, who are absolute mad lads with their music and are incredibly inspiring:

@Jumbs @YasiinClemens @hairmilked @TeraVex @Irish-soul @eden-e @Vadellgabriel @AlbeGian @Troisnyx 

Thank you to some very talented artists who make pieces that should instantly be in museums all over the world:

@DoctorGrambo @Sabretooth2611 @Devoidgazer @KCJ567 @QueenBoo @Kolumbo @FlamingPickle @Sevi @Batter-sempai @PukeBomb

Thank you to some very cool peeps who are just as talented as they are cool:

@Austinjaycook @Bro-son @Gray @Jmations98 @Leon0u0 @Ugasisvelta @azork-ledeath @shaddaiwright

@ChordC @midgetsausage @zynagproductions @Aalasteir @Nattosumi @SepticSebi

And last but certainly not least, thank YOU, yes, you reading this right now! 

Thank you for supporting my work, thank you for checking it out, thank you for showing it love, thank you for being awesome fans, thank you for sharing it around, and thank you for being you :) 

I love all of you, I love this site, thank you all so much for your kind words, continued support, and just being amazing <3

Until next time :)



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345 Points

Totally Chill! 25 Points

Complete the game on "chill" difficulty

Cravin' for Punches! 10 Points

Deal the last blow to the sheila boss using your fists

Defeated Cunts 25 Points

Survive the Blokes and Slimes

Dying Trash Man 5 Points


Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Down Unda' 5 Points

Open up the game

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

December 21st 5 Points

Open the twenty-first present!

December 1st 5 Points

Open the first present!

Playah 50 Points

Play NG Stars