Great job everybubby :)
Great job everybubby :)
We all make a great Team
you all did awesome stuff!
NGTV Gang!
Incredible work you ridiculously talented lads, insanely creative and visually interesting :)
I'd take you on vacation with me :)
Doing her best Jonathan Davis impression, I see.
Fantastic work brotha! Very funny and well animated like always :)
couldn't have come out as well without your magnificent help.
Epic (:
@Template88 WTF?
*destroys mar2011YT2's brainstem*
Mans is finally getting his comeuppance.
An apple for an apple makes the whole world blind Zaaz...
Very gud :)
Good job everybuddy, and thank you Wes for organizing the whole thing and inviting us on board :)
Very well animated and really funny visual gag, pun intended. Great job! :)
Hi :)
Joined on 1/19/21