Great job everybubby :)
Great job everybubby :)
We all make a great Team
you all did awesome stuff!
NGTV Gang!
Fantastic work brotha! Very funny and well animated like always :)
couldn't have come out as well without your magnificent help.
Epic (:
@Template88 WTF?
*destroys mar2011YT2's brainstem*
Mans is finally getting his comeuppance.
An apple for an apple makes the whole world blind Zaaz...
Tremendous :)
You're tremendous!
You're tremendous Zaaz!
My man just wanted to do a little jig...
he will jig on his way to meet the reaper
I love your work, Max :)
Thank you Zaaz!
When is the musical episode? Very charming, and the voice acting is great too! Awesome job everyone! :D
Oh Zaaz, you’ll want to tune in today at 5pm EST to Foozle. Trust me.
Can't frickin' wait! Thank you so much for inviting me on board, Wes! This was awesome to be a part of! :D
loved your version of woody & wheezy. would love to see people's reaction you wheezy coughing :P
That was awesome! Scoring an imperial soundtrack was definitely challenging, but I had an absolute blast making this! Glad I was part of the team! :D
Glad you was part with us! sry for not finishing the entire thing, its a very long animation. But DW, part 2 will be here hopefully soon!!!!!!!
I cant thank you enough, you wholeheartedly deserve more attention for your tracks!
Hi :)
Joined on 1/19/21